Impromptu Lunch: Soup for the Soul

I am not someone who is comfortable writing about food. Don’t get me wrong, I love food.  I love to eat, love to read about food and love watching food channels in TV.  That love shows quite well on my midriff. I do cook reasonably well.  It’s just that I am not organised enough to write a recipe or plan a meal.  I just make do with whatever is in the pantry and the fridge and cook up a reasonably savory dish.

After my visit to the dentist yesterday, I was pampering my teeth with soft foods to ensure that the temporary crown stay in place till next week when the permanent crown would be in place.  So for lunch today I had bought a carton of butternut squash soup from Trader Joe’s.  I opened the carton and poured a cup of soup into the bowl. One look at the color of the soup and my appetite went south.  I knew I had to do something.

I did not have much time on my hand.  My tummy was growling.  Some frozen and fresh ingredients from the fridge, added spices here and there and about 10 minutes later I had a hearty bowl of soup ready.  It tasted really good.  It soothed my appetite and calmed down my soul. I hope my readers will indulge me in my endeavour in penning the recipe.
impromptulunch_2 The ingredients were ( in order of cooking):
1. Four medium size frozen shrimp
2. Half cup frozen mixed vegetables ( carrots, sweet peas, cut beans, corn)
3.Half cup vegetable broth
4. Fresh ground black pepper and pinch of salt
5. Heat all of the above in  microwave(1100 watts) for eight (8) minutes in 50% power.
6. In a separate bowl, mix one diced large baby bellas mushroom, one half diced roma tomato, quarter cup thin sliced onion, one green chilli diced and a handful of baby kale with one and half teaspoon of soy sauce.
7. Once the shrimp and the mixed vegetable is done, mix the mushroom, onion, baby kale etc. into the shrimp and mixed vegetables.
8. Mix quarter cup of pre cooked barley ( pearl barley ).*
8. Pour a cup of butternut squash in the bowl and heat everything in the microwave for two and half (2 1/2)minutes.
9. Soup for the soul is now ready to be enjoyed with few pieces of thinly sliced french baguette.*1

Note:   Ingredients were based on what was available.
*  Barley was pre-cooked in a slow cooker for breakfast
*1 Thin slices were to favor my temporary crown so that I did not have to bite hard.  I am sure the soup will taste good with any other bread.


Launch, not lunch, you fool

Lunch! I jumped up with joy
I will join you in a minute
Let me collect my toys
Hunger pain was acute

Where did everyone vanish
Cafetaria was empty
My enthusiasm tarnished
I am now sweaty

Searched every nook
Everyone in meeting hall
Launching Sacha’s book
Mama mia! I am a fool

This post is in response to Sacha Black’s 32 weeks in 52 words – week 46

Week 10 of My Fifty Two Weeks Journey with “W”

Not sure why I have not been focussed at all today.  I sat down to write and I digressed. No, it is not writer’s’ block. Ideas are continuously bombarding my mind, pushing to come out and defile the computer screen. It’s just that extra push I am not been able to give myself to sit quietly and write. That extra push that is needed for many of us to get out of bed and start the day. That extra push that is needed to take us out of a funk and go out and achieve something.  That extra push that is needed to get out of our night clothes , shower and go ahead to start the day. That extra push that converts work from drudgery and chores to fun. That extra push that is needed to lift us from thinking “what’s the point of doing all these” to “Yes, we can”.  Sometimes we need help, but the best help as we all know is self help.  It will have to come from within ourselves to respect us. If we do not love us, how can we love others? Nothing great comes out of hatred. Feelings of depression and melancholy will definitely trickle down to one’s expression including writing.

Ah! writing.  I still have to find a word starting with the letter “W” for my poem for week ten of my fifty two weeks journey with “W”.  Already half of Wednesday is over and I have not yet posted anything for “Write Anything Wednesday” for April 6. I have made this commitment to myself for the year long journey and I do plan to keep it, if I can find anything. Now that’s funny, anything for “Write Anything Wednesday”. I don’t think I am getting any external help in this, so I have to look within myself to find the word and write a poem about it. “Within”, now that’s a word starting with “W”. So why not write a poem starting with “Within”.  What can go wrong? Nobody reads poems anyway.  So with that thought, it’s off to lunch I go. Digressing again, but promise to come back soon, write my poem and post it before Wednesday is over. Who knows what Thursday holds.

This post is in response to  Write Anything Wednesday 4-6-2016, Daily Post Community Event, organized by  Writerish Ramblings

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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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