After the Rains

Went out for a walk today morning  with my dog Skooby.  It had been raining off and on last few days.  Not that heavy but somewhat consistent rain to soak the grounds and make the dry creeks flow again.  A heavy mist was covering the nearby hills making the valley look like a surreal work of art.  My old cell phone camera was ineffectual in capturing nature’s art.


Skooby’s Call : RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge # 204 Home & Free

This post is in response to Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge .

Also in recognition of Ronovan’s warning ( or disclaimer ) ” , this post is neither about religion or any political issue

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His blind faith on us
Little did he know our choice
Nine rewarding years

We picked up Skooby about nine years back from Humane Society. He definitely was our choice as we saw his photo while researching for a dog.  When we went to see him first, he did not show any interest towards us at all and the lady volunteer who was looking after Skooby told us that he may not be a good fit and we should look for some more.  As we came out of the room and went to another rook to look at some other dogs, we realized that our daughter ( eleven at that time) was not with us. We went back to the other room and saw that she was sitting on the ground in front of Skooby’s crate and cuddling his feet and snout that he had out through the bars of the crate door.  Well, as people say, the rest is history and our bundle of joy is still with us all these years.  As the kids grew up and moved out to college, he is our happy companion keeping us away from empty nester syndrome.

In My Life: Skooby: Tuesday Photo Challenge

Ah, it’s Tuesday and right on the dot Frank Jansen’s Tuesday Photo Challenge prompt was there in my reader.

This week’s theme is “In My Life” and Frank has posted a adorable photo of one of his Cardigan Welsh Corgis.

It’s true that our dogs are a big part of our daily life.  Our dog, Skooby, for last eight years has become an integral part of our life.  So without much ado, here is a photo of Skooby sunbathing.
Sun bathing Skooby

Don’t be fooled by his innocent face
He is stuck at terrible two
Though he seems to be sleeping
Up his sleeve
He has a trick or two
Keeps us always
On our toes
With all his mischievousness
He is adorable though

After we got Skooby, his morning and evening walks were added to my daily routine.  He takes his time to attend to nature’s call, smelling the roses (Ahem!) on his way.  I try to use that time positively as much as I can by photographing the surroundings.  Below is one such photo taken today morning.
Migratory ducks in randoll Creek-2-13-2018_2

Migratory Ducks in Randoll Creek
Photo by author, February 13, 2018

Deer Encounter

She decided to pose for me
And then there were two

Today morning during my morning walk with my four legged companion, Skooby, I was graced by the presence of this deer family.  I have seen them before but never been able to take a photo.  Generally Skooby will try to bark or try to give a chase.  But familiarity must have given rise to boredom or the short leash may have helped.  The doe kept eyeing me, assessing if we are any threat, moving slowly away from us and then stopping briefly to look at us again.  Everytime she stopped, I stopped. Finally she must have been reassured enough to stay at one place to shoot her, albeit with my cell phone.  Soon she had company but the big guy decided to stay at a distance, out of my cell phone camera’s reach for a good photograph.

Maybe this encounter today was predestined as my morning started with a post from Jane (A month with Yeats Day Fifteen) where she commented that a deer had come up to her window and peeped at her. There must be a deer connection somewhere.

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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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