
Neelakantha, the name of Sadashiva, God of destruction to recreate in Hindu triumvirate, drank the deadly poison that came out during the churning of the ocean for the celestial nectar or Amrita by the gods (Devas) and the demons(Asuras). The deadly poison, Halahala, if allowed to escape, would have destroyed the whole universe and as Amrita had not manifested yet, there was no recourse. To save the universe from destruction, Shiva drank the poison but kept it suspended in his throat as otherwise he would also have perished from the poison, throwing the universe into utter chaos. As a result, his throat ( Kantha ) became blue (Neela) from the deadly effect of the poison Halahala. From that time Shiva also is known as Neelakantha.

When the mind is set free,

Unshackled from its reins,

And let it roam around,

A treasure trove it explores, and

Along with the pearls,

Comes up the muck.


When the gods churned

the ocean,

In search of the celestial nectar,

Up came the poison

To obliterate the universe.

Will I have the strength

Of Shiva

To drink the poison and

Be Neelakantha,

Or will I perish

To the lure of the glitter,

Seduced and discarded

In plain sight of the nectar?


Oh, the allure

of the enchantress!

Giving in to my senses,

Let me drown

In your ephemeral beauty tonight,

And cool my passion.

Let the fire of desire

Be quenched by

The touch of those lips,

Nary a drop of nectar

That will ever touch.

Let the poison devour me,

And nectar wait.

What good is immortality

That will erase my memory

Of thy celestial, transient beauty.


Shooting from the heart- Ten Intricate One Liners

My first attempt at writing one liners.  I always liked poems for the brevity of expressions.  One liners challenge the poet to say what’s in his mind in as few words as possible but still be meaningful to the readers.  Hope my readers will find these meaningful.



Trapped by your charm, drank poison.


Silver Bullet

Your heart hides my silver bullet.



Pain of separation ravaged my heart.



Imprisoned by your charm, I’m blind.



Hurry, the bell tolls, why dither?



Temptress, your arrow pierced my heart.



May deserts bloom from your tears.



Your kiss turned hemlock to nectar.



Your mellifluous voice soothed my journey.


My Life

Hidden in your smile, my life.

Flirtatious Rain Clouds

Celestial nymph
Seduces to deceive
Rain clouds dance
Beguiling, dark
Caressing gently
Thirsty suitor
Enchanted, eager
Perched throat
Ready to be soothed
Fleeting embrace leave
Desires unfulfilled
Master in the sky
Lifting ever so gently
Hem of the veil
Quietly admonishes
Seductress to bid her time
Suitor kept waiting
Winks flirtatious rain clouds
Till we meet again
Few drops of nectar
All that is there
Quench your thirst
And on a breeze
She vanishes
Thirsty earth
Looks up to the sky
Destitute, desolate

Image from Pixabay

Bunch of Faded Pictures Lost in Abyss of Memory পাহৰণিৰ গৰ্ভত হেৰাই যোৱা এমুঠি মলিন ছবি

I have been rather sporadic in posting to my blog for some time now.  It’s not writer’s ‘block that prevented me from writing. Rather it was some kind of strange mental fatigue. After sitting in front of the computer for 10 hours a day at work, do not have much stamina left to come and sit in front of the computer again at home.  I downloaded  Wordpress app recently to my mobile, but I am not much impressed with it.  I find it more difficult to write and post using the app in my mobile then using the website.  Wordpress website in my mobile was behaving funky for sometime now, not showing the comments.  Not sure what the issue is or if it is my issue only.  Not being able to use my mobile to post definitely put a dent on my regular posting.  Well, there is my excuse.

Wrote the poem below in my mother tongue, Assamese (Axomiya) couple of days back and translated to English today. Some feelings get lost in translation though. Here it is, in Assamese first followed by the English translation.

পাহৰণিৰ গৰ্ভত হেৰাই যোৱা এমুঠি মলিন ছবি

দেৱাল খন বহুদিনৰ পৰাই উকা
ফটো বন্ধাই দেৱালত ওলোমাই থোৱাৰ
অভ্যাস নোহোৱা হল
আধুনিক যুগত নিমিষতে
সাত সাগৰ পাৰ হৈ
ফটো ভ্ৰাম্যভাসৰ ভিতৰত
কিন্তু স্মৃতি খন্তেকীয়া
আঙুলিৰ পৰশত মছি যায়
ক্ষণিকৰ অতিথি
এলবামৰ ভিতৰত মৰহি যোৱা
ফটো অস্পষ্ট
বয়সে আমনি কৰা চকুৱে
উকা বেৰত বিচাৰে
পাহৰণিৰ গৰ্ভত হেৰাই যোৱা
এমুঠি মলিন ছবি
মৃত্যুৰ হাতত পৰাজিত মানৱৰ
বৃথা সপোন চিৰন্জীৱী হোৱাৰ
অমৃতৰ সন্ধানত
অবিনাশী আত্মাৰ আবিস্কাৰ
অৱশ্যম্ভাৱীক মানি লোৱা কঠিন
দেৱালত ফটো ওলোমাই
স্মৃতি যুগমীয়া কৰাৰ
অলীক প্ৰচেষ্টা
মৃত্যুৰ শীতল হাতৰ পৰশত
চিৰনিদ্ৰা নহালৈকে
দেৱালখন উকা হৈ থকাই ভাল নেকি

Bunch of Faded Pictures Lost in Abyss of Memory

The wall is blank for ages now
Lost the habit of framing and hanging
Photographs on the wall
Modern technology brings
Instant attachments
From across the seven seas
To the mobile in my hand
Temporary memories
Short-lived guests are they
One gentle touch of the finger
Photos in the old albums
Indistinct, weathered
Eyes, clouded by age
Search the blank walls for
A bunch of faded pictures
Lost in the abyss of memory
The living lost the battle with death
Long ago
Dreams of living forever shattered
Search for nectar of immortality
Invented immortal soul
Hard for us to accept the inevitable
We try in vain
To make memories permanent
By hanging them on the walls
Till the cold hands of death
Send us to our eternal sleep
It may be for the better
For the walls to remain blank

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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