Truth as we see it

what we do we don’t,
what we see does not matter,
we don’t perceive what we do see,
what we hear we don’t understand,
we don’t listen what we hear,
so we speak what we don’t want to say,
the brain does get the signals,
only those are noise all mixed up;
we preach but we don’t practise
and fill the air with empty promise,
alas, history is what is being perceived
biased by what one wants to hear,
prejudice for the benefactor does sip in,
and we go around strutting history has spoken
the truth and the only truth as we know them,
our understanding clouded by what we read,
out comes the gospel truth from a brain corrupted,
unable to decipher the mixed signals it received,
we are all true to our beliefs,
the elephant never emerged as
the six blind men searched for the absolute truth.

Elixir of Life

Blessed are those who
never fought
with their love,
They don’t know
What they lost;

Wretched are those who
let their ego
get to their heads,
They don’t know
what they are
about to lose;

Sweetness of love,
Spiced with bitterness of
truth sometimes,
A few road bumps
on the smooth asphalt
of life,
A wine smooth enough,
Neither too sweet,
Nor too dry,
Is the elixir of life

Martyr to Truth

The path to truth
is a lonely one;
One not littered by
carcass of sycophants;
The day you step
on that path,
Rest assured that misery
shall keep you company
till your last breath;
Careful, lest you fall prey
To intolerance that you despise;
The day you step aside from truth,
and step gingerly,
Fearful of hurting feelings, and
Practice political correctness,
You die.

From that moment onward,
with an aching heart,
Lonely and miserable,
Your skeleton marches,
The rotting bones whisper
in your ears,
Words of wisdom
that you feel are true;
No longer alive,
Your silence speaks for you;
And soon,
Another martyr to truth
bites the dust.

Life won’t stop for you

Only absolute truth,

Once born,

One day have to leave.

The date, time, place

And mode may be hidden, but

Truth shall make us free to

Concentrate in living.

Explore unfettered by the constraints

Of figuring out what’s going to happen,

Because the answer is already known.

So engage vigorously in living,

Every day, every moment.

Will be confronted with challenges,

At times seemingly unsurmountable,

but the path only moves forward.

In the barren deserts of past participles,

No flower blooms.

Nothing happens there, except

A sense of gloom and doom.

Can do only what can do,

What’s not in our hands, why bother?

Move forward, move forward.

Life not going to stop for you.

Dance of the pious

When they look away

From the lies

And condone it

Because the liar

Serves their purpose

Truth sheds a solitary tear

And the Crocodiles smile

Somewhere the forgotten call

For a thousand year reich

Raises its ugly head

As goose stepping lemmings

Joyous in a macabre dance

Hail the false messaiah

Bell tolls for the masses

As correctness misguided

Rules the day

God, forlorn, irrelevant, ponders

If ends justify the means


Writing fiction about life

Truth gets lost between the line

Readers unable to decipher meaning

Unaware of the hidden lies

Autobiographies a fiction

Where horrendous truths

Lost in the jungle of

Carefully crafted words

Silently weep

And readers left to shower

Unworthy praise

Fictionalized life tells a story

Fiction it is

Glossy papers

Not the gospel truth

Pompous POTUS : RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge # 227 Truth & Honor

This post is in response to Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge .

Truth really fake

The pompous POTUS proclaimed

Let honor be damned


Voters respect truth

Electorates responded

Honor is restored


Truth is in nature

Honor among animals

We manipulate

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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