
When the indefensible is defended,
Truth becomes the victim;
For our self interests,
We swallow our independence, and
Clock our intelligence
In language of the learned;
Ah, for the gullible,
And of minds simple,
The believers,
Honesty and integrity
Happy to rest their guilt,
On shoulders of the learned,
They march with their
Heads held high;
After all, everything that’s
Greek and Latin,
Must be the words of God,
Mere mortals they,
Who are they to question;
For the roof over their heads,
Life is mortgaged to
The banks,
And their heads?
Charlatans have a
Lien on that.


Sunrays filtering through her translucent wings,
As she rose effortlessly,
What a beauty she was,
Pure and unspoiled,
As I ran after her,
She hopped from flower to flower,
Oh such a beautiful day,
Shiny and bright,
Such a joy it was,
To be with the
Dragonfly in flight.

Why did you steal my
Childhood from me,
You, who dress in piety,
Those lips that proclaim the
Name of God incessantly,
How can it hide teeth so sharp,
Shredding me to pieces,
You who proclaim special days
For children, women and mothers,
Speak of the divine and of heaven,
Did you ever think of hell,
When you stole my childhood
From me and left me to rot,
In your hell.

The wings are now torn,
No more translucent,
They don’t reflect
the sunlight no more,
Its limp body shaking,
The dragonfly lies in the
Palm of my hand,
I close my fist,
There goes a monster,
He says,
Piously calling God,
Praying for my salvation.

Ah, do you notice
The dark shadows
Of sin
As the saints
March in.

Timing Matters

I kept silent

To buy peace

I kept silent

To get my

Wants fulfilled

I kept silent

For safety and security

I kept silent

For homogeneity

Now silenced

Neither did I

Buy peace

Nor freedom

For perceived safety

Bartered freedom

Forgetting history

And the millions

Who paid the price

Of my silence

With their lives

Taking shelter

Behind God’s will

To justify silence

As the powerful


And now chained

I suffer

Feeding the ego

Of a narcissist

And sleeping with

A cobra

Exciting but deadly

Pound of flesh

Will be extracted

Foolish to think

God created the

Gas chambers

Time to remain silent

Long past

Timing matters

Dance of the pious

When they look away

From the lies

And condone it

Because the liar

Serves their purpose

Truth sheds a solitary tear

And the Crocodiles smile

Somewhere the forgotten call

For a thousand year reich

Raises its ugly head

As goose stepping lemmings

Joyous in a macabre dance

Hail the false messaiah

Bell tolls for the masses

As correctness misguided

Rules the day

God, forlorn, irrelevant, ponders

If ends justify the means

A river dies for progress: RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge # 246 Narrow & Minded

This post is in response to Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge .

River takes own course
Create dams, let power flow
Narrow minded cries
River, narrow, dies
Broad minded man eulogise
Sacrifice worth it
Mind self interest
Narrow vision, pundits say
Unjust criticism
Our God is only God
Non-believers be in hell
God narrow minded?



She wants to live

The idea that germinated as a short story became a poem because of my inability to sit still for a long time to write a story. While the words just flow for a poem, I stumble in writing a story. I realized the poem became long. My apologies.

Her name is not important, a Jane Doe will do
At times she was called by various names
Sweetie pie, princes, baby, love, and whore, Continue reading “She wants to live”

One-Liner Wednesday – Conspiracy

This post is in response to Linda’s  #1OneLinerWednesday.

I always wonder if a dogs are able to give unconditional love because they have the same alphabets as God, but than what about dogs in other languages?

Must be another conspiracy of those good old Brits to call the canines dogs.20170902_145243

Skooby will really like to sleep on that conspiracy thought.

Did Linda really say it has to be a one liner?


O thou pure of heart

No sin was committed
In the garden of Eden
What was pure
And natural
Was forever cursed
Banished from the garden
Carrying the blame of lust
O thou pure of heart
How thee lusted
In thy heart
For the forbidden fruit
And blamed the serpent
Letting God go scott free
One who created all
Must have created
Love and passion
And lust
The day
Darkness of our hearts
Clouded the sunshine
Of our minds
World became a
Dreary place to live
In our fear blemished life
We all have pains
that we carry unseen
Passing time
Fading memories
Lessen heartaches not
Blessed are those
With life a clean slate
Unburdened by the curse
They carry their secrets to
Their graves

Black is Beautiful

As I survey far and wide
Sitting high on my perch
Resplendent in my
God given color
That I flaunt
With pride
Won’t give an inch
I will fight
With all my might
For my rights

This photo was taken by the author on December 25, 2018 at Desert View Point parking lot in Grand Canyon Desert View drive.  I was struck by the beauty of the bird’s jet black color and could not care less attitude.

Seeking Redemption

Denying culpability for our own demise,
We commit harakiri a thousand times.
Writing our self obituaries, we
Hitch our sails to winds of wants.
Surrendering the wheels of our lives
To captains unknown,
Children of destiny
We squander our own rights.
Mastering the art of self victimization,
We mortgage our souls.
Seeking meaning without comprehension
We rue our fate and
Play the blame game.
Prisoners of our own deceit,
When all hopes are lost
We seek redemption
From an unknown god.
Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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