Friends for ever

I leave creating in vacuum,
From nothing,
To the powers unseen,
I burrow into
your hearts,
and steal the words,
to string a necklace
of pearls,
may be rough at the edges,
may not be a string golden,
but if you care to listen,
you will hear
a heart beating,
and a few words of thanks,
Thank you my friends,
for being my companion,
in this wonderful

A belated wish for Friendship Day. I did not have any idea till yesterday that a day existed for friends. To me, friends are forever. However, to my blogily, this journey would not have been possible without you. So here is a toast for you.

Bitterness of sweet(talk)

My love, don’t ask me why

Amongst friends we argue and fight.

Why we seem to be at each other’s throats,

At all times when we meet and talk,

And then hug and part with eyes moist.

Don’t you see all the sugars in sweet talks

Resulted in the problems of life now,

That we pay dearly to untangle and solve?

Friends who seen through bitterness the love beyond,

Will never be enticed by the poison of meaningless sweet talks.

Others are just pebbles on the road, here today, gone tomorrow,

In search of sweet talks to drown their sorrow.

A Special Day

A Special Day?

Hope is what is special
Of this day in the year,
Otherwise it is the same,
Will come and pass
Like any other in twenty four hours.
And tomorrow we shall be
At each other’s throats,
Fighting over trivials
And stoking our egos,
Grandstanding and raising
A tempest in a tea cup
For this cause or that.
But for a day or so,
We shall wish
Happiness, peace and prosperity to all
(all the while sharpening our knives).
So let’s be real friends,
On this special day
Give hope a push,
And get up from your butts,
Reach out and share,
And do what you can
For prosperity for all.

Oh, I forgot. Have a wonderful New Year’s Day.
May the New Year 2020 be full of joy and happiness and fulfill all your dreams.
Now, was I sincere in saying that?
Ah, what does it matter,
It’s just another day.

I was having my morning coffee and as usual going through whatsapp messages on my cell phone. Obviously today it was all about New Year’s wishes, a few lines personally written but 99‰ cut and paste and forwarded messages. As I was sipping on my coffee, the poem started to flow. That’s my personal feeling, no intention to hurt other’s.

Friends will remain Friends

In our adolescence, we leave our homes to go to colleges and universities for higher studies.  For many of us that would be the first time staying away from home alone.  We make new friends, spend few years of our formative life together, graduate and then move out in search of our livelihood.  In old days, many a times, that was the last time we would meet or correspondance with friends that we spent years together.  Modern technology and social media is making it easier to track old friends whose memories we kept alive for years in our mind.  Alas, with time people change. Memories of distant past and present clash sometimes and produce unexpected results.

Poem below is my feeling about meeting groups of old classmates in social media after decades of being completely out of touch.  Those feelings may resonate with some of my readers.  Appreciate your feedback.

We have traversed distances long
Climbed mountains high
Savored the fruit of success Continue reading “Friends will remain Friends”

One-Liner Wednesday – Reach Out to Your Friends

This post is in response to Linda’s  #1OneLinerWednesday.

There is no good or bad time to reach out to friends.

The measure of a true friend is that nothing is asked in return.  No self interest or selfishness is involved in true friendship.  So whether you are feeling upbeat or down, reach or to your friends and spread the love and warmth. Many a time I have felt the gloom lifting when I start visiting my blogily. I have not seen any one of them but as I go through their words, a warm feeling starts to fill me over.  I smile (or cry) with them, feel their joy and share their pains.  So I dedicate my One Liner Wednesday  to all my friends, those who I have met and are now separated by geography and to those that I have not met ( but hope to someday) all across the globe but are close to me by their words.  You have made it easier to navigate my journey in this insane world.

Death is Perfect

A clear blue sky lacks definition,
A blank slate characterless,
Beware of the one without blemish,
Beneath the serene surface
Lurks the deepest secrets.
Enemies with flaws
Will learn to handle
Lily white friends,
Suspicion will poison minds.
Even the supreme ones
Of all faiths
Must have some failings
To create us mere mortals.
Strive for perfection,
Never perfect.
Death is perfect,
End of the road.


Another school shooting, another debate. When will this stop?  Congress have blood in their hands. Hiding behind the second amendment, debate will go on between the gun lobby and those clamoring for gun restriction while innocents will pay the price.

I wrote this poem a day after six religious fanatics shot dead hundred and forty nine people including hundred and thirty two students in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 14, 2014.  Originally posted this poem in my blog on December 20, 2015. 


There was a storm here yesterday,
And I saw this tree
Bereft of all the beautiful colored foliages,
Strewn all around it on the ground.
One leaf was clinging to a branch
Quivering in the winds, trying to hang around.

Continue reading “Storm”


Wordpress, a phenomenon, a kaleidoscopic explosion
Opening authors to explore new horizon
Reality mixed with fiction, sentiments and emotions
Discover a treasure trove hitherto hidden
Pure delight to be shared free with all
Range of subjects for our relaxation
Enabling bloggers to exchange views across the world
Strong bonds formed with friends unknown
Simply an enjoyable fabulous gemstone

Write Anything Wednesday


Welfare to all this holiday season
Everybody be hale and hearty
Let us all be happy
Frolicking friends and family
All around us
Rest of the year and coming years be
Enjoyable with reason as our beacon

Worry not too much
Everything is going to be all right
Live life with dignity
Fear not the changes on the horizon
Anger, arguments and aloofness
Rarely does solve problems
Engage to prosper and preserve your rights

Write Anything Wednesday

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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