
O’ ye in the wild,
Is it wise
For the wild
To trust human,
And be deceived
By his treachery?
Alas, in that faith
Is written
Its doom,
For sure
As the sun rises
In the east,
Betrayal will follow soon.

Beware ye all,
The denizen of the wild,
On the altar of progress,
Humans have sacrificed
Their future,
And in the rush
To escape the confines
Of their only home
They have known,
Everything that stand
In their path of greed
Are collateral damage.

Happily they march
To their oblivion,
These masters of none,
And in their ignorance,
Destroy the only heaven
They have ever known.

Home — Jane Dougherty Writes

This started as a comment I made to Jane’s poem today morning to which she responded immediately with a beautiful follow up and I responded back instantly.  As people say, the rest is history.  


The Oracle suggested the first section of this poem which became a collaborative poem when Pranab (in bold) chimed in. Why ask where home lies? Look out on the night ocean, listen to its wings beating, see how green morning wakes, slow and soft as peace falling, stars wheeling, in the vast silence of […]

via Home — Jane Dougherty Writes

Nature’s Call : RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge # 203 Home & Free

This post is in response to Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge

I know Haiku is supposed to be about nature. So nature’s call should be an appropriate topic for a haiku, specially when the prompt from Ronovan is so appropriate to my recent experience.  No intention to hurt anyone’s sensibility. Proceed any further at your own will.

I am home at last
Free to answer nature’s call 
Boom, exhale, relief

Fun and Sun: RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #197

This post is in response to Ronovan’s weekly haiku challenge prompt Fun & Sun

Her days in sun gone
Horses went back home, she didn’t
Villains had their fun

Image result for free photo of asifa of kathua
Photos of Asifa Bano from Google

Note: I was debating if I should include the photo with this post. Everytime I look at that face my heart breaks, tears roll down my eyes.  I do not know if there is a God, but if there is one I am not sure why he/she allowed this innocent flower to be sacrificed in such a horrendous way.


Another school shooting, another debate. When will this stop?  Congress have blood in their hands. Hiding behind the second amendment, debate will go on between the gun lobby and those clamoring for gun restriction while innocents will pay the price.

I wrote this poem a day after six religious fanatics shot dead hundred and forty nine people including hundred and thirty two students in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 14, 2014.  Originally posted this poem in my blog on December 20, 2015. 


There was a storm here yesterday,
And I saw this tree
Bereft of all the beautiful colored foliages,
Strewn all around it on the ground.
One leaf was clinging to a branch
Quivering in the winds, trying to hang around.

Continue reading “Storm”

Silent Tears Flow

Old expatriate 

Far away from home,  alone

Every morning,  fear

Separation wide

Technology builds bridges

News flow instantly

Every dawn new fear

Instant message, news of loss

Dead,  lost someone dear

Mind flies away fast

Limp body outwardly calm, lies

Heart weeps silently

Memories disturb

Silent tears flow unseen

Loneliness company

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


Everything and Nothing. And then some words.

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Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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