The poison I drank

In silence I suffer
The poison I drank,
Heart weeps lonely,
Tears run dry,
Afraid eyes may not lie,
I gaze at stars
At dead of night,
Words are damp
’cause my tears
rained on them,
Empty heart
Comes up barren,
When asked to give;
What value is
This life
That neither gives
Or takes,
Days pass by
As I merely survive;
Gently do I tread,
Walk to the grave,
Is lonely one;
At journey’s end waits
A cold embrace,

In silence they came

In silence they came,


One by one,

Trickling in,but 

In a steady stream,

Then the dam burst,

And they rushed in;

A torrent, a deluge,

How to make sense,

Of everything jumbled up.

Nudged me gently,

And then dragged me

From my slumber;

Swiftly I drew,

As my fingers flew,

From the madness emerged

An illusion

An apparition,

A celestial dance; 

Music unspoken

Lulled me,

As I dozed,

And surrenderered to her arms;

Silently they left,

One by one;

She slipped away,

Leaving me with a memory

Etched in my heart.

Now where shall I find

The words,

To paint my masterpiece,

She still dancing

In my mind,

My muse eternal.

Price of Indulgence

the price of indulging incitation,
paid by our silence to timely confront.
remember kristallnacht?
failure of the world at large
to stand up to a bully,
paid by bloods of millions of innocents,
and two atom bombs.

the world will never be the same again,
never again, we say
and then we keep mum,
when silence serves our purpose.

countless millions on the street,
the world lumbers from crisis to crisis,
many, a paycheck away from being on the street,
and our silence may put many out there soon.
one flash and boom it goes,
years of dreams down the drain.

the hearth has been stocked,
the fuel supplied,
a word evil, spoken from a distance safe, enough to spark
the fire of hatred.
as Rome burns, fiddles Nero.
and those who indulge and condone,
won’t even have the
rights to remain silent,
when they come for them.

Thy name is compromise

When a whole life was spent

Clipping the wings of heart’s desire

And mind locked in a vault

Guarded by the lost key

Of pursuit of happiness

A search futile

Ignorant of what’s being searched for

The little morsels spread to entice

Does not make the heart flutter

For a promise of bliss

Embraced a fleeting moment of peace

Price that I pay

In perpetual silence

Misery, thy name is compromise

You Are Old

You are old when your call is answered
And you are trying to remember who you called
You are old when your call is answered
And you ask why are you being called
You are old when your call is met with silence
And you hold the phone to your ear wondering why
You are old when your phone lies dead by your side
And you don’t remember a single number to call
So when you are still young, pick up the phone and call
Some one young at heart may respond and you have a ball
Before the fingers become stiff, ears go deaf
Eyes go blurry, memories fade and voice gets weak
Wake up, reach out, make a call and hug your near and dear ones

Timing Matters

I kept silent

To buy peace

I kept silent

To get my

Wants fulfilled

I kept silent

For safety and security

I kept silent

For homogeneity

Now silenced

Neither did I

Buy peace

Nor freedom

For perceived safety

Bartered freedom

Forgetting history

And the millions

Who paid the price

Of my silence

With their lives

Taking shelter

Behind God’s will

To justify silence

As the powerful


And now chained

I suffer

Feeding the ego

Of a narcissist

And sleeping with

A cobra

Exciting but deadly

Pound of flesh

Will be extracted

Foolish to think

God created the

Gas chambers

Time to remain silent

Long past

Timing matters

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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