
heart in turmoil
a calm face
emotions masked well
we dance through the day

trained actors we are not
but give an
Oscar winning performance
those who are blessed
to enjoy life
as they chose
nature’s beauty abounds

those hunkered down
by the weight of the world
focussed only from
where the next meal comes

panhandler on the street corner
is she there by choice
on this day there will be someone
who will lose all hope
and give up
as the charade continues

life goes on
we chose the masks
that fit us well
willing or not
performance must go on

Sunday musings

If life would have followed mathematics

Life would have been simple

One plus one would be two

and two plus two would be four

But in life one plus one

May be eleven

Or the answer may be zero

Or intedeterminate

All depends on what’s

Wanted from life

And what’s willing to be given up

Many a time

Need and want

Passion and profession

Belong to mutually exclusive clubs

Maybe, just maybe

Life still is a mathematical model

Built around a set of

Complex equations full of

Irrational numbers

Bitterness of sweet(talk)

My love, don’t ask me why

Amongst friends we argue and fight.

Why we seem to be at each other’s throats,

At all times when we meet and talk,

And then hug and part with eyes moist.

Don’t you see all the sugars in sweet talks

Resulted in the problems of life now,

That we pay dearly to untangle and solve?

Friends who seen through bitterness the love beyond,

Will never be enticed by the poison of meaningless sweet talks.

Others are just pebbles on the road, here today, gone tomorrow,

In search of sweet talks to drown their sorrow.


I keep myself busy

To find answer to the puzzle

Why do we need to

Keep ourselves busy.

And for that matter

People call me lazy,

Their logic, I found very fuzzy.

Or they must have a life very easy.

While they sweat running in circles,

And jump into their cars

To sit in traffic that’s quite busy,

I scratch my head to think

Why solving pollution is not easy.

I call my friend to discuss the issue,

But the line is always busy.

Get an instant message back,

Very, very busy,

Send me a text, will respond,

When find some time

From a schedule quite busy.

Answering thousands of social media messages,

It’s not very easy,

Of late, social media keeps

Everyone very busy.

Being social,

It’s a life not very easy.

Lost my chain of thoughts,

Brain must have been quite busy,

How to keep safe from Corona virus

It’s a task not that easy.

Life won’t stop for you

Only absolute truth,

Once born,

One day have to leave.

The date, time, place

And mode may be hidden, but

Truth shall make us free to

Concentrate in living.

Explore unfettered by the constraints

Of figuring out what’s going to happen,

Because the answer is already known.

So engage vigorously in living,

Every day, every moment.

Will be confronted with challenges,

At times seemingly unsurmountable,

but the path only moves forward.

In the barren deserts of past participles,

No flower blooms.

Nothing happens there, except

A sense of gloom and doom.

Can do only what can do,

What’s not in our hands, why bother?

Move forward, move forward.

Life not going to stop for you.

Love is not blind

Those who profess by

Love at first sight,

Are also the ones

Brainwashed by the notion

Love is blind.

Like a fine wine

Mellowed by age,

A taste enhanced,

And value soared,

Love that has withstood

The test of time,

Seen the ebb and flow

Of life,

Good times and the bad,

That’s the love

That thrives.

The wrinkles of time,

Unkind to the beautySkin deep,

Dims the sights,

Enhancing the glow

That burns steadily

Deep down in the heart,


Love is not blind,

Love is not blind.

Say no to your destiny

How do you not say no to your destiny

And not find your own path,if any

Mark your own place in this world

To have your say you must be bold

Follow your destiny and bid your time

Soon you be old and time to say good by

So roll up your sleeves and put shoulders to the wheel

It won’t be easy but satisfaction you will feel

A path not marked by destiny for you to follow

Dangers will be plenty but life will not be hollow

You may fail or you may soar

But go ahead and explore without fear

You are the man to make your own destiny

You will mark your own time and place, no doubt, not any

So go ahead and say no to your destiny

Life, a gift

Is anything worth it any more

When did the burden became so heavy

That keeping afloat became a struggle

Are we born with the egoes we cherish

And pay the price of nurturing it

In silence we suffer the lonliness

Desperate cries for help buried deep, unheard

Downward spiral of depression lurks in the shadows

Damaged, we lurch from day to day

A gripping fear pervades

And we still clutch to our ego

Ego, that’s the greatest obstacle

To build and sustain a lasting,

Loving, trusting, beautiful relationship

Why hold on to something

Neither we brought with us

Nor are we going to take along

Banish the fear, exile the shame

Open your heart

And allow the light to shine

Life is a gift not to be squandered

Life, a gift, is worth the fight

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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