Red Hot Tongue of Fire

My home state, California, specifically northern California is burning, fires ignited by dry lightning. Many had to flee their homes to safety as firefighters fight valiantly to tame the fires. The poem below was written in English yesterday and than translated to my mother tongue Assamese (Axomiya) about my feelings of the last few days as the fires rage on.

between sunset and sunrise,
lies the vagaries of the night,
destiny rings the bell,
lightning strikes,
dreams go up in flames.

as you flee,
as you flee,
you look back,
and there is
nothing to see,
there against the darkness,
dances the red hot tongue,
ravenous to devour all
in its path.

tears no match to
quench its thirst,
a scorched earth silently
curses a heartless sky,
and at sunrise,
sun hides its face, ashamed,
taking cover behind the
smoke screen.

as the tired bodies throw
themselves at the roaring monster,
nature claims victory
over the mortals,
dawn breaks,
a new day of dashed hopes,
and for many,
nowhere to go.

অগ্নিৰ লেলিহান শিখা

সুৰ্যাস্ত আৰু সুৰ্যোদয়ৰ মাজত
খেয়ালী নিশাৰ সপোনৰ খেল,
দূৰৈত নি‌‌য়তিৰ কূটিল হাঁহি,
বিজুলীৰ নাচোন,
ধোঁৱা হৈ উৰি গ’ল
সোণালী সপোন।

পলোৱা, পেলোৱা,
পিছলৈ ঘূৰি চাই দেখিবা কি?
অন্ধকাৰ আকাশৰ চিত্ৰপটত
নাচে জলন্ত অগ্নিৰ
ৰক্তিম লেলিহান শিখা,
সমুখত সকলো কৰি ভস্মীভূত,
প্ৰচণ্ড ক্ষুধাত
অগ্ৰগামী মূৰ্তিমান বিভীষিকা।

চকুপানীত তোমাৰ
নহয় পূৰণ তৃষ্ণা তাইৰ,
অগ্নিদগ্ধ ধৰণীয়ে দিয়ে অভিশাপ
হৃদয়হীন শুকান আকাশক।
আৰু সুৰ্যোদয়ত?
লজ্জিত অৰুণে
ছাঁই হৈ যোৱা সপোনৰ
ধোঁৱাৰ ওৰণি তলত,
লাজতে লুকাই মুখ।

ক্লান্ত দেহবোৰে যেতিয়া
ৰুধিবলে ক্ষুদ্ধিত বহ্নিৰ অগ্ৰসৰ
মৃত্যুকো নেওচি পৰে জপি‌য়াই,
প্ৰকৃতিয়ে মৰণশীল মানৱৰ ওপৰত
কৰে বিজয় ঘোষণা।
দিগন্তত তেতিয়া ৰাতিপুৱাৰ আভাষ,
এটা নতুন দিন ভগ্ন সপোনৰ,
আৰু বহুজনৰ
সপোনৰ শেষ,
নাই কোনো ঘৰ
ঘূৰি যাবলৈ।

Uninvited guest


Edwin Alvarez was the kid I wrote about in my poem below today.  Please read the request below from his friends trying to arrange for his funeral.

“Hey guys. I believe everyone is aware already that on Friday night there was a boating accident after which our friend Edwin unfortunately passed away. I don’t know however, if everyone is aware that he comes from a very humble family and I don’t know up to what point they relied on Edwin’s income. As far as I know, he was paying for his brother’s education, bootstrapping a business with his dad who works in construction and looking for ways to also help his mother, who is a maid, to find an alternate source of income.
Needless to say this is a life-altering situation that is going to be incredibly difficult for his family to overcome. Eduardo (one of Edwin’s friends who helped us contact his family), started a GoFundMe to help them out with the funeral expenses. Any help will surely be greatly appreciated. Here’s the link . He also mentioned that Oscar (Edwin’s brother) is already aware of this effort.”

I write about current events, my poems are fiction, penned during my flights of imagination. The poem below is based on a tragedy that happened two nights ago.  A young soul was called back too soon by the Lord.  He was my son’s friend.  I never met him but heard about him from my son. A hard working, honest, fun loving friendly guy.  These are the times one questions, why? Why?  I guess there is no answer.

a day in a life of hope

started with fun and frolic,

a boat ride down the river,

azure summer sky pierced

with laughter and singing.

sun moved slowly

to the western sky, Continue reading “Uninvited guest”

Say no to your destiny

How do you not say no to your destiny

And not find your own path,if any

Mark your own place in this world

To have your say you must be bold

Follow your destiny and bid your time

Soon you be old and time to say good by

So roll up your sleeves and put shoulders to the wheel

It won’t be easy but satisfaction you will feel

A path not marked by destiny for you to follow

Dangers will be plenty but life will not be hollow

You may fail or you may soar

But go ahead and explore without fear

You are the man to make your own destiny

You will mark your own time and place, no doubt, not any

So go ahead and say no to your destiny

Seeking Redemption

Denying culpability for our own demise,
We commit harakiri a thousand times.
Writing our self obituaries, we
Hitch our sails to winds of wants.
Surrendering the wheels of our lives
To captains unknown,
Children of destiny
We squander our own rights.
Mastering the art of self victimization,
We mortgage our souls.
Seeking meaning without comprehension
We rue our fate and
Play the blame game.
Prisoners of our own deceit,
When all hopes are lost
We seek redemption
From an unknown god.

Break the defined boundaries

Defined by boundaries set by self
We suffer in silence having lost our ways,
Seek solace in teachings of gurus and leaders

Who are defined by their own boundaries.

We flounder, exchange stories with fellow travelers
Like lemmings, we trudge along to our destiny,
Mistaking as goals expectations set by others

Aspire to conquer great heights, hope of attaining solace.

Those who get to the top of the artificial goals
Blinded by the darkness at the top try climbing up again,
Others left behind burrows deep seeking a way out

Mortgaging our lives in search of elusive expectations.

Seeking happiness in trinkets of technology, a mad rush for speed
We fail to see the key within our own hearts.
Dancing to the tunes of puppeteers unseen

We have forgotten to stop and seek within.

The power to scale the wall, break down the boundaries
Lies with each one of us if we dare to seek.
Not to conform, not to rebel but be our own

Salvation lies in our hearts, if we dare to slow down.

Not to worry what we have not, not to demean what we have
Proud and content in our uniqueness, compassionate to others,
Breaking the artificial boundaries, armed with newfound vision
Find ourselves, happy, and light the lamp of a new dawn.

I’m Happy where I am

I’m where I am
By choice or destiny
Where I could have been
Where I would have been
What does it matter
Now at this moment
Here I am
Wanted or not
I do not care
Will extend my hand
Open my heart
Left behind the
Garbage of the past
Carry the nectar
Of love in my heart
If you accept
As it is
Both of us gain
If not
You wallow in the
Filth of your hatred
I move forward
Spreading gospel of love
I’m happy where I am

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


Not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.- Walter Benjamin


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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