The poison I drank

In silence I suffer
The poison I drank,
Heart weeps lonely,
Tears run dry,
Afraid eyes may not lie,
I gaze at stars
At dead of night,
Words are damp
’cause my tears
rained on them,
Empty heart
Comes up barren,
When asked to give;
What value is
This life
That neither gives
Or takes,
Days pass by
As I merely survive;
Gently do I tread,
Walk to the grave,
Is lonely one;
At journey’s end waits
A cold embrace,

Feelings of the Heart – a ghazal?

I wrote this ghazal in my mother tongue Axomiya (Assamese) yesterday and tried to translate it to Hindi. After a few futile attempts, I gave up as I just could not maintain the rhythm. Today I tried translating it to English and found that it was flowing much more smoothly though I should not call it a ghazal. I tried to follow the rules as closely as I could but not sure if I succeeded. Hence the question mark in the title. I post the poems in the order written.

Continue reading “Feelings of the Heart – a ghazal?”

Dark was the night

These set of Haikus reflect my thoughts about the current situation of fires sparked by lightning in northern California

dark was the night sky

lightning’s macabre dance struck

prometheus laughed


blue was the dawn sky

quick stepping fire, sensuous

grey sky hid the sun


ravenous hunger

terrain, a sumptuous meal

scorched earth cries dry tears


dreams collapse and die

nature’s fury relentless

a colorless sky


dawn breaks, a dim sun

unstoppable red devil

bravehearts stand guard


The Blank Slate

The blank slate
that I was born with,
corrupted beyond recognition
by years of abuse.
Many wrote on it
that I can not now
recognize my writing.
Blessed are those
left alone
to write their own course.
For many,
it’s a search in wilderness
for the blank slate,
that they can write their own.
A mirror fractured and fragmented
does not reflect me,
I now see
what I want to see
what others want to see in me.
The blank slate has
gone dark
long ago.

Shadow of the stars

When the stars cast their shadows

And the moon goes dark

Path uneven lies forward

Every step out of sight

Eyes of the octopus targeted

At your heart

Sinewy tentacles keep pulling back

Down to the bottom of a dark past

When everything seems lost

And pervasive defeatism creeps in

Wounded soul comforted

By false bravado of

Suicidal paranoia

There is still hope to clutch

As the world turns

Sunrise not far

Shadows retreat

Path uneven lighted

Steps surefooted

As the shadows of fear shrink

Retreating stars smile

Depression fades away


A clear blue sky
Lacks definition.
Without a dark night,
For a bright day
There is no appreciation.
Without its spots
Moon won’t be as beautiful,
Road lacking few road bumps,
Journey is uneventful.
A blemish free life
There is no story to tell,
Without the past of Jean Valjean
Les Misérables won’t ring a bell.
Calm sea hides
Deep secrets in its bosom,
Vibrant nature in a moment
Wrecks havoc and destruction.
A world at peace,
Will it be boring?
Thought of violence
To appreciate peace,
It is depressing.
Even without appreciation
Rose will still bloom,
Even if no one looks
Beauty is not doomed.
A bipolar world
May be the norm,
Not an aberration.
Life is a saga
Full of contradictions.

Wide:Week Thirty Six of My Fifty Two Weeks Journey with the Letter ” W”

Today morning I had to get up early to take my dog Skooby out as he was restless. It was crisp and cold outside, about 50 F.  As I went out, I realized that though it was 6 AM, it was pitch dark.  The sky was clear and stars were burning bright.  As I looked up to the sky, a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of insignificance swept over me.  I was sort of happy and sad at the same time.  Happy to see the vast, wide expanse of the starlit sky and sad at the thought of how insignificant we are compared to the universe.

During the course of the day, the thought stayed in my mind off and on.  I did not have much time to dwell on that due to work load.  As I sat down to write my weekly post for Write Anything Wednesday now, I was again reminded about the dark, wide expanse of the sky.

So here I am.  I did not have to look far and wide for the starting word of my poem for week thirty six of my fifty two weeks journey with the letter “W”.  Like the stars in the sky, the word was twinkling in my mind.  Let me go and explore the wide universe.  Maybe I will be able to write a poem wide enough to encompass all my readers.

This post is in response to Write Anything Wednesday-Oct-5-2016 sponsored by Writerish Ramblings

Wind of Change

Wind of change blowing
In change life flowing
Nature on the move
Don’t fear what’s new

Why to be afraid
Inquisitive mind is brave
Now is the time
Do embrace new challenge

Wind of change blowing
Intense, dark and brooding
Now is the time
Destroy all fear,rise

When no one comes
In yourself have faith
Never despair, be strong
Destruction precedes all construction

Write anything Wednesday Sept-14-2016


Window is the face to one’s heart
If that is true why face is a mask
Never letting anyone know what’s brewing inside
Dark thoughts camouflaged by a sweet smile
Only the person knows what lies behind the
Window that nobody knows is open or closed
Such is the mystery of our daily life

Windows to my heart
Is open to all
Nothing to hide
Darkness does not reside
Only if I would have known
What is the secret to win my
Sweetheart’s soul

Week 24 of My Fifty Two Weeks Journey with “W”

Write anything Wednesday July-13-2016

Idiosyncratic writings

we can and we will !


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What comes to me as a still, small voice in the atmosphere of daylight and evening. © Mario Savioni and Musings, 2013. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without the consent of the author is prohibited. Small (100 words or less) excerpts or links are permitted as long as credit is given to Mario Savioni with direction to the original content. Please refrain from “reblogging” posts.

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